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blog bookmarkYou've exchanged greetings and discussed how your products or services will benefit the prospective client sitting opposite you.   Now it's time to close the sale or end the first meeting on a positive note.

You have given out your brochure and business card.  To put the 'cherry on the top', why not add a sales call 'leave behind' gift i.e. a branded promotional product.

The item need only be a small token e.g.  a branded zippered pencil case that fits your brochure, business card, branded sticky notes and some branded mints.

You could even theme with items that match your business/industry or name.  An oldie but a goodie, is to bring along a jar of confectionery and at each subsequent visit, you top up.

Part of the focus of any business association should be about building a relationship.  It creates loyalty.  A well selected and useful branded promotional gift, given at the end of a sales call is a great first step.  Not only does is say 'thank you for your time', it offers your brand more time in front of a prospect.

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