Step out with this cool hi tech dude.
Take a walk and it will count your steps, calculate calories burnt and after all that, your new buddy will even monitor the quality of your sleep.
The ThinkFit Fitness Band provides real time monitoring of your daily exercise (okay, so you may not start out with a daily dose of running or walking really really fast, but in no time you will be inspired by the feedback and results).
If the fitness functions don't get you up, into your joggers and going, perhaps the selifie function will ... 1, 2, 3 smile (or, as I like to say 1, 2 3 .. spaghetti*).
* you will always be in 'smile pose' when you say spaghetti
This is a great premium gift, that will have your staff, clients or prize recipients, jumping or smiling for joy.
Find out more - Get active here with the Thinkfit Fitness Band