The quote is empty

Don't miss the fine print !   Can you relate ....  those tiny numbers at the bottom of a bill or document are often so difficult to read.   

There is a solution.  The custom printed Grow Credit Card Size Magnifier or the Ruler Magnifier ...  both great ideas to ensure those numbers are magnified !   

magnifier ruler LL678

Chocolates, biscuits and sweet treats may not be the panacea for the current turmoil but in these uncertain times, ensure you take a moment to say thank you, hang in there, we'll all get through this, enjoy a break and this treat.

A promotional box of chocolates or branded confectionery yumminess (technical term 'not' .. but appropriate), will lift the spirits of your staff and key customers and show you care.

Here are five options that will be devoured and appreciated:

1)  Noodle Chocolate and Confectionery Box - click to check out noodle gift box 

2)  Mini Cookies in Large Jarjar of biscuits (sorry, cookie) treats


I'm not whipping this up or trying to stir up attention .. okay, maybe I am a little !  

In my opinion, a branded apron is an often overlooked marketing tool to build brand awareness.   Why?  

Look at the virtues of using an apron:  

  • Long lasting 
  • Practical
  • Versatile - wide application
  • The decoration space for your design or logo provides great visability


So let's split this into two categories: 

1) Professional Use:  

It makes sense for a lot of obvious reasons, to use a good quality 'fit for purpose' apron in a professional kitchen.  There are options available that will meet the rigours of use for chef and the kitchen team.  

There are also many apron choices that offer a cost effective, stylish uniform with a point of difference for front of house staff.

The current trend for jigsaw puzzles is understandable.   We've been locked down and anything to keep us occupied is a winner ! They therefore make great promotional give-aways.  

This A4 size option contains 120 pieces.  What makes them unique as a promotional idea, is the print method.  The puzzle pieces are pre-cut and can be custom printed using a method that enables full colour images or design.   More information here:


Keen to share some creative juices and discuss promotional products / marketing merchandise for your business. Need inspiration? -  contact us.

Thrive Promotional Products and Corporate Gifts is an Australian based company, supporting businesses from the big smoke cities of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth ... to the regional towns, across the land.


April 2020